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Terezin: Children of the Holocaust - The Film - Live, Virtual Premiere Event

The live, virtual film premiere of Terezin: Children of the Holocaust, is scheduled for Saturday, February 6th with two screening times. The second screening is – 7:00PM EST .  Tickets are $25 and tax deductible (check with your tax advisor) - Terezin: Children of the Holocaust is a registered non-profit 501(c)3.

The film features an introduction from playwright Anna Smulowitz, followed by a production of Terezin, and after the credits there is a Cast Talk-Back about the performance. Total running time is 1 hour, 43 minutes. There will be a live chat feature during the performance in case you have comments/questions for Anna and/or the cast. Thank you for supporting Terezin!

For more information and to purchase tickets please click here: